Dentures & Partials

Indianapolis, IN

Missing one or more teeth can impact your smile, confidence, and ability to enjoy your favorite foods. Dentures offer a time-tested solution to replace missing teeth, restoring your smile’s health and function. Today’s dentures are more comfortable, functional, and aesthetic than ever before, providing a reliable tooth replacement solution. Whether you’re missing one, some, or all of your teeth, a complete or partial denture may be the ideal solution for you.

Why Choose Broad Ripple Dental Arts for Your Denture Needs?

  • We offer expertly crafted dentures and partials, ensuring a comfortable fit and a natural look for each patient.
  • We use advanced technology and materials to provide durable, aesthetic solutions for missing teeth.
  • Our unwavering commitment to excellence and compassionate approach to patient care will ensure your needs are met with quality and comfort.

What Are Dentures and Partials?

Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth. Complete dentures replace all the teeth in the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. Partial dentures, on the other hand, replace one or more missing teeth when some natural teeth remain.   

What Are the Types of Complete Dentures?

Immediate Dentures: We create your restorations ahead of time and place them after extracting any remaining teeth. The bone and tissue will remodel and change shape as your mouth heals, so your immediate dentures may no longer provide a proper fit. After healing is complete, we will need to reline or remake your dentures for long-term use.

Conventional Dentures: We create conventional dentures after your mouth has completely healed, which typically takes several months following tooth extraction. This allows for more accurate impressions of your mouth, providing a superior fit and improved function.


What Are the Types of Partial Dentures?

Traditional Partials: Traditional partial dentures consist of replacement teeth secured to metal frameworks. They anchor to natural, healthy teeth using metal clasps or precision attachments. One of the advantages of traditional partial dentures is that we can add replacement teeth, when needed, to fill any new gaps in your smile.

Flexible Partials: Flex partials, made from a flexible material, are secured to the gum tissues using attachments rather than relying on natural teeth for support. These metal-free restorations offer superior comfort but do not provide the strength or retention of traditional partials and cannot accommodate new replacement teeth if needed. However, their ease of use makes them ideal for patients with dexterity concerns.

What Are the Benefits of Complete and Partial Dentures?

  • Your complete or partial dentures will allow you to enjoy a wider variety of foods and speak with clarity once again.
  • Your restoration will fill gaps in your smile and maintain your facial structure, boosting your smile and confidence.
  • Partial dentures prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of place, preserving your teeth and jaw alignment.

Each type of denture offers unique advantages. Our Broad Ripple Dental Arts team will recommend the tooth replacement solution that is ideal for your needs.

Complete and Partial Dentures Near Me in Indianapolis, IN

Looking for an affordable and time-tested solution to replace missing teeth? Contact Broad Ripple Dental Arts to learn more about our complete and partial dentures. Our dedicated team uses the latest technology and techniques to deliver quality, durable restorations for long-term healthy and beautiful smiles.

We invite you to call 317-251-1333 to schedule an appointment or request one online today.

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Ready to experience the Broad Ripple Dental Arts difference? Schedule an appointment today to enjoy a new level of dental care. We can't wait to meet you and your family!